Modern Technology Is Creating a Single World Culture.
2010. 7. 8. 22:57
Humankind wanted to communicate with each other in faster, convenient and
cheaper way. They worked on since the beginning of civilization. At first, they
used animal power like horse, cow, even a bird. After the industrial revolution,
they used artificial power. Invention of engine gave birth to faster communication
between countries or even between continents. Airplane made this much faster,
consuming about 10 hours to travel between continents.
Humankind wanted more faster way. Only the transfer of information is required
Using all of technologies and skills, finally the network, now generally called Internet,
has been invented. This made possible to transfer bulk of information in a second
disregarding position or region where the receiver is.
Communication between other countries and customs are increasing. By the support
of modern technology, anybody can get knowledge of other customs via network or
go to specific region physically and experience about it. People can go to other
countries and practice their own custom. When the natives accepts that custom,
combination of culture will be practiced.
Combination of culture was impossible before since traveling a long distance was
considered suicidal mission. Now, technology disregards everything. Anybody can
cross a channel, mountain, sea, or an ocean. Technology surely made
the world smaller; the world become more globalized. It is easy to find a person
who speaks Spanish and follows Spanish culture in America, and a person
who speaks Japanese and behave like a Japanese on Internet, the global network.
Modern technology is the critical cause of forming a single culture in the world
since the combination of culture and custom was not practiced widely before
the invention of engines and network. There were some civilizations which
combine and merge two or more customs such as Roman empire and Huns but
they were not as largely practiced as that of modern age.